Conscious Beauty And Beautiful Minds: Interview w/ Samantha Goldberg

TV personality and lifestyle expert Samantha Goldberg’s backstory is within her family background and being introduced to “Conscious” beauty at a young age. Her family and extended have been into homeopathy and herbology for over 40 years. Samantha also has a background in cosmetology since 1986, which allowed for her to understand the makeup of whole body awareness. Working in the field of professional beauty and fashion brought her to a larger platform of being on the red carpet interviewing celebrities during fashion week, awards and etc…Now Samantha is known as an expert in her field worldwide not only with the experience she has with beauty/selfcare but as a lifestyle expert which emcompasses opportunities as being a “Celebrity Brand Ambassador” for anything lifestyle. She absolutely loves the beauty industry and continues to raise the bar with awareness.
What was the first beauty routine you adopted as a child or teenager? Which emotions do you connect with this memory?
The first routine I adopted was with my mother and aunt when I was 15. They introduced me to Aubrey Cosmetics from a health food store.. It was 100% naturally derived and had much different options than the typical “Neutrogena” for combination skin types. I remember trying the skin care wash routine with Aubrey…Wash, Apple Cider Vinegar w/ Rose Water”…and a light moisturizer in gel form…I totally remember feeling so clean, refreshed and not dried out…It gave me something similar to a adrenaline rush…I never went back to over the counter consumer style products…I cannot think of anything I used skin care /body care wise that mimicked that feeling back then…It was just “Wow”!
CONSCIOUS BEAUTY — What meaning do you give this term?
I would give “Conscious Beauty” this specific meaning. It’s being aware of what you place on your skin or internally. Knowing what benefits you can have long term…no adverse reactions and feeling as if your doing your body, mind and selfcare a favor! Being aware is key for optimal results long term. Being aware is just the beginning of a whole new YOU!
Which aspects of sustainability in beauty are especially important to you?
The aspects which are important to me are mainly what is this product doing for my body/skin etc…Is it a bandaid or will I benefit long term from these ingredients which are not man made? Knowing these products I use are good for me not just externally but internally and mentally has become a regular staple with what I use or look for. Lastly, knowing I am using ingredients which save the earth or are part of what we have available naturally is incredibly important to me as I know it’s not just about me personally, it’s out there to help anyone who is interested in another option…We are truly living off of natural resources which have much benefit.
When do you consciously feel beautiful?
I feel “Consciously” beautiful when I know I am doing healthy things for my body and mind. When I know my contributions to this industry are being heard. Most importantly, that I am doing my very best by spreading the word so that others may have that “Wow” moment like myself many years ago. It feels good when you know your doing your part in exploring the many options we have and spreading them globally to make the world a better place!
Did your approach to beauty change within the last 1–2 years?
My approach to beauty has most definitely changed in the last 1 1/2 years. With COVID on the rise or decline I decided it was best to address how to keep myself looking and feeling good daily. I am in the “limelight” if you will so looking and feeling my best are VERY important.
I can proudly say I use 100% naturally derived essentials now. Whether it’s vitamins and or skincare/bodycare, I have uncovered less expensive products that work even better than of store bought. Ingredients are most important to me as I know I am nourishing myself with the best possible options…Even in my own garden or pantry! Amazing what you can find in your own home to improve yourself and sustainability! They may sound crazy, but they work!
How would you like to see the image of beauty change within the next 5 years?
I would love to see more options available to the public the “Natural Beauty” selection is not so vast. It is sometimes also very confusing for those who want to entertain this new process of self care but need much more direction. It would definitely be an outstanding method or approach to be able to use what you have at home in addition to what is available which is like living off of the earth and doing live a favor in tandem!
What or who inspires your beauty routine?
The one person that inspires me would be my aunt. My mother’s sister. She introduced me to natural options when I was a young teen. She saved me lots of work on understanding what was consciously good for my face and body. I remember trying her products and I felt “better” or “pretty” knowing this was good for me. I still think back to those times and now I am the one suggesting skin care and body care to my family and friends. It definitely feels good knowing I am sharing the wealth with those who took the time with me years ago!
What is your best beauty advice to others?
The best beauty advice I can give is to utilize what’s around you. Ask yourself what makes you feel good internally and externally. It’s emotional and physical when your feeding yourself with ingredients and knowledge to make you better yourself. For example aromatherapy sends messages to your senses to make you feel good…it’s been around for hundreds to thousands of years and still works! If something so simple can bring such benefits, you would be amazed what’s available to you. Being knowledgeable about what you are using or should use can honestly make life changing effects on the long term. Be aware of what is good as opposed to something which only hits the surface is honestly the best advice!
Is there anything you would like to share that we have not asked you here?
After being in the television and entertainment industry for over 30 years, I am now 52!! I have learned not everything you see or hear is right for you. Just keep in mind everyone is different, what you see on camera, that has yet to be proven for everyone’s use….meaning the benefits. Just know today we have a much better variety of ideas on how to stay aware and feeling good. This is especially true for those who believe in homemade items they use out of their own pantry and a wealth of benefits from doing so!
Follow Samantha Goldberg on Instagram.
Demee Koch about the MEDIUM interview series on CONSCIOUS BEAUTY:
Hello! I am a serial entrepreneur with more than 2 decades of experience in the health & beauty industry. This interview series is intended to create awareness about the movement of Conscious Beauty.
We are in a beautiful time of Conscious Beauty — you may have heard of this term, but what does Conscious Beauty mean, and why does it matter?
For us, beauty is a way to love — it is about self-care, art, nutrition, exercise, life, self-love. I invite you to become part of a movement that re-defines beauty. Let’s empower beautiful minds.
Thank you for being the change. I’m looking forward to learn from you. Reach out to me via LinkedIn.
Demee ❤︎